Who is Skullcrusher
Skullcrusher may have a threatning name, but he wouldn't harm a fly, as long as it dosn't mess with his pride. Skullcrusher may be freindly and sweet, but he is so full of pride that it was hard for him to bow in the name of Toothless when he became Alpha. Skullcrusher is super headstrong (hence his name) and is a lot like Cloudjumper. But he loves Stoick and enjoys curling up right beside Stoick's bed instead of having his own bed.
Hidden Abilities
Skullcrusher can track anything from a rabbit hopping a few yards away, to a viking that is 3 islands away. He has an amazing sense of smell and can smell something in the air, even if it is raining or snowing. He is the dragon that gave Hiccup the idea of creating the new class called Tracker class.
Fun Facts
Skullcrusher is so smart that he even rivals Toothless's smarts
Skullcrusher's horn can knock over half an island with full force
Skullcrusher sometimes uses the club at the end of his tail to come his scales for comfort when stressed