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Who is Hookfang?
Hookfang is a fiery hot dragon, with a fiery hot temper. This dragon is very smug and enjoys being proven right. He also enjoys doing the exact opposite of whatever Snotlout says! They still make a great team though and even though Hookfang teases Snotlout he will always stand up for him.
Hidden Abilities
When flying super fast through dense woods, if there is a trunk of a tree in the way and he can't fly past it, he can shove his wings forward to create a powerful bast of wind that will throw trees away from him until they reach at least 50 miles away!
Fun Facts
Hookfang's favorite food is Mackeral fish
Hookfang can light his whole body, even his eyes on fire
Hookfang has slight affections for Astrid
Hookfang is the father of two baby Nightmares
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